Tarkine Forest Adventures at Dismal Swamp
Tarkine Forest Adventures at Dismal Swamp offers a range of bushwalks, a sculpture trail, restaurant, visitor centre, and the star attraction, a 110-metre high-speed slide to the forest floor.
Located at one of Australia’s largest and most unusual sinkholes, it’s the only sinkhole in which a blackwood forest grows.
See Tassie devils and quolls feeding at night, explore the forest floor by boardwalk, or even discover Dismal Swamp at night.
Arthur River Cruises
Climb aboard the M.V. George Robinson and enjoy guided tours, morning tea, full lunch, optional walks, a chance to see and feed Sea Eagles and spot local wildlife. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Woolnorth Tours
Breathe the cleanest air in the world, which is recorded at the Baseline Air Pollution Station that is situated on the cliffs of the Cape Grim coastline. Walk the coastal beaches where the Great Southern Ocean collides with Bass Srait with spectacular coastlines.
The Edge Of The World
The sea west of Tasmania is the longest uninterrupted span of ocean on the globe. From Argentina the currents sweep unimpeded more than halfway around the planet until they hit this point. Discover the rugged beauty of this spot.
Green Point Beach at Marrawah has been voted one of the three best surfing beaches in Australia and attracts many Australian and International surfers to the coastline. It is widely known as a great location for surfing, kite-surfing and windsurfing.
There are all these things and more to discover at the beautiful North West Coast of Tasmania.